Thursday, March 25, 2010


hey everyone, everything is going well down here. I've still mben working on my lessons, what we do is take one point in the lesson everyday and we summarize it in about 45 seconds, its really helpful. so whats happened since last Wednesday is, Thursday we had our planning session in the morning, then the elders from Dorrego showed up for our district meeting, they decided to wait at the chapel for us in the hot sun, lol. silly elders. then later that night we had a dinner with a family, the Fragapane family and they made us some really good pizzas, there are actually a couple Fragapanes in our ward, I guess the dad went through his series of wives and has kids of all ages, hes like 65 and has like two daughters my age, that and a grand kid that's like 25 ish, sick! then Friday it was pretty boring, in the morning me and my comp started listening to some weir al that i have on my ipod and we started laughing, it was fun. lol then later that day we went to pick up the pres over relief society, we had a lesson with and investigator, her name is graciela and she is a middle aged woman, but shes been going through a really hard time in life and decided that she would come to church 2 Sundays ago, and then we were able to teach her some more, and now we have a baptism for her this Saturday, wish us luck! then later that day we had our soccer time, it been really fun playing that. I'm glad that they do that here with the youth as well. although getting hit in the family jewels isn't too fun, ha ha. then Saturday we had our zone conference and aslo a special conference for all the youth in the stake, elder bown from the seventy of the area came and gave a good talk. ha ha he gave a story aout the turkeys that learned how to fly and that after the class they were so excited that they learned how to fly that they walked home. lol. our mission pres liked the idea and so at any given moment he would be like "fly elders" ha ha! after the whole conference we were outside waiting for our bus to come and he drives by with his family and he stops and is like " Elders Fly!" and he starts flapping his arms! lol its was so funny, but whats even funnier is that elder bowne was in the back of the car, ha ha it really looked like he was making fun of him but I don't think he realized it. then Sunday I gave a talk in our ward, no I'm still not good at giving public speeches but its getting better, i felt like I did a good job for once. it was about our duty as members to help the mission work, its too bad hardly anyone showed up for church though. lol. kinda silly how that all works out. then later that day we went out and I was feeling really un motivated for working, and i was a little grumpy. but then I found two pesos and it was all better, ha ha. this last month i had fasted that the lord would help me out a little bit with my money, well he took a little bit too seriously and thought he would humor me, ha ha. but i have been finding alot of loose change, maybe next month I'll pray for a lot of help, lol. then Monday I made this awesome omelet for breakfast, it would have been amazing if I only had real meat instead of hot dogs. then later that night we taught our other investigator Emanuel, hes about 18, but its been going a little bit weird with him recently, he seems to be avoiding the baptismal date we have with him. then yesterday we have been focusing on our contacts, we have a oal of 40 every day. its so hard to get even close, i had an idea though, I'm thinking that if i just get up in a bus that's mostly full there's 40 in one hit, what do you guys think?? i think it sounds pretty good. lol. then yesterday we taught Graciela again, we still have one more lesson and we should be done, then later in the night we passed by this shop and there was this crazy guy out side that started talking to us. he was obsessed about the conferate us, he wants a confederate i guess he had talked with some other missionaries before. well thats about my week in a nutshell. that and i have been lacking the motivation and the optimism, any ideas??. well thats it.

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